“A swarm of bees in May,
is worth a load of hay,
A swarm of bees in June,
is worth a silver spoon,
A swarm of bees in July,
isn’t worth a fly.”
Swarming is an entirely natural process which honey bees use as a way to ensure the survival of their species. Swarming bees are one of the great spectacles of nature. Contrary to popular belief, swarms of bees are mostly docile, however they should be treated with respect and dealt with by an experienced beekeeper. If you have a swarm of bees in your garden, or come across one in a public area, we may be able to offer the bees a safe home in a new beehive. If we are unable to help, we will pass your details on to a designated swarm collector from The New Forest area who will assist you. Swarming season is typically during the months of May, June & July.
We are only able to collect swarms from The New Forest area. If you are further afield, you can google your local beekeepers association who will be able to assist you.
Swarm line: 07807 268056