Honey: Recipes From a Beekeeper's Kitchen. By Amy Newsome.
Honey: Recipes From a Beekeeper's Kitchen. By Amy Newsome.
A sticky celebration of honey from bloom to plate, with 80 inspiring recipes straight from a beekeeper’s kitchen.
From the author:
Honey has been a fundamental part of human existence for over 10,000 years.
I’ve written this book to lift the veil a little on the mercurial craft of beekeeping and cooking with honey. We’ll follow the bee’s wing through the seasons as different flower species bloom, offering a fresh insight into how the best honey is made, and why single-origin honey from small-scale beekeepers is the ultimate flavour expression of terroir; just like the best wine, extra-virgin olive oil, and chocolate. There’s ample advice for bee-friendly gardening, learned in my work as a Kew Gardens-trained horticulturist and garden designer, and an in-depth look at the marvel of pollination, to discover just how flowers and their insect pollinators work together.
Honey has inspired generations of cooks to dream up delicious dishes and drinks both savoury and sweet; here curious cooks will find new takes on familiar favourites, much-loved historic traditions and modern plates.
About the Author
Amy Newsome is a cook, gardener, garden designer and beekeeper based in London, UK. She has grown vegetables for Raymond Blanc, organic grower Anna Greenland and trained at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, and most recently was the head gardener at The Garden Cobham. She has also worked with prison reform charity Food Behind Bars, helping to bring bees and kitchen gardening into prisons. She has written for multiple publications, including Bloom magazine, on subjects such as single-origin honey and cooking over fire.
"Amy's beautiful recipes are an ode to the pleasures of cooking with honey and the importance of it in our lives." – Thomasina Miers
"Something truly magical happens when beekeeping, gardening and cooking meet, and in that intersection stands Amy with this wonderful book." – Itamar Srulovich, Honey & Co.
"A beautiful, thoughtful exploration of keeping bees and cooking with honey – with such enticing recipes." – Mark Diacono
A sticky celebration of honey from bloom to plate, with 80 inspiring recipes straight from a beekeeper’s kitchen.
Amy visited us as part of her research for this book. Amy assisted us, with taking our bees to the heather, and helped in the extraction room for a few days.
Amy Newsome and Simon Noble in The New Forest.